
Mission of Simply Power Yoga - Ordinary People doing extraordinary things to make a difference in this world through movement, meditation and real conversation.
Welcome to Simply Power Yoga. We are so excited to share our community with you and the practice that has transformed so many lives. The intention of Simply Power Yoga is to create a community that is inviting, open and accessible for everyone to experience the world of physical movement, meditation and real conversation. Each class is unique and creative allowing you to have a new experience everytime you step onto your mat. At SPY, you will get to know every teacher and person who makes SPY happen on a day-to-day basis as they practice with you, fall with you, stand with you and laugh with you. The community of SPY is a family for every age, every practice and every body.
The roots of Simply Power Yoga were planted in 2006 when I started teaching yoga and fitness classes from my basement in Canfield, Ohio. I had two small children and a husband who traveled 5 days a week. Leading classes from my basement is what worked in my life and it gave me the foundation of what would later be created. When my family moved to Cincinnati in 2008, teaching from my basement again is what worked in my life. I also explored teaching at studios and soon realized the grassroots of what had been created in the foundation of my home was what I wanted to bring to the community.
The doors of the first Simply Power Yoga studio, SPY North, opened in 2010. In 2019, affiliate locations of Simply Power Yoga expanded into both Altoona, Pa and Youngstown, Ohio. Each location is similar yet unique, embodying the personality of the community it serves. The studios continue to evolve offering classes and services to better support every body. Within the community of Simply Power Yoga, power is not about physical strength, a perfect practice or the advanced practice. At Simply Power Yoga, power is meeting yourself where you are as a moment by moment experience in your body on your mat whatever that may be.
The teachers at Simply Power Yoga are ordinary people who are committed to making extraordinary things happen in the community. They are committed to the growth of the community and to their own personal growth to be the best possible person for every student who walks through the door.
Our story is about you. Join us for an amazing experience.
Founder of Simply Power Yoga